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The mideast conflict is more than a struggle between the descendents of Esau and Jacob. There's much more to it than that.
The Philistines still live in Gaza. Isaiah 14 warns they will be destroyed. It may come from Hezbollah, Iran or Syria striking with sarin, VX or tabun nerve gas.
Damascus will be destroyed and no longer inhabited. Isaiah 17 says it will be taken away from being a city.
Ezekiel 38 and 39 warn about a future invasion of Israel. Some of the countries may be different than thought.
Isaiah 18 appears to prophesy the destruction of America. You need to know and understand what is to come. Readers find the mention of "Ethiopia" in verse 1 and assume that the passage is about Ethiopia. The passage is not about "Ethiopia". It's about the nation in verse 2. Is there any other nation that fits this description other than the United States of America? This is so important that it warrants its own web site.
Revelation chapter 6 warns of far more death than what people think of today.
The timing of the rapture and the coming of the tribulation have nothing to do with the existence of a red heifer.
Ezekiel chapters 40-46 refer to the second Jewish temple in Jerusalem not the third future temple as many claim.
St. Malachy was a false prophet who prophesied about future "popes" from Celestine II in the year 1143 until the next "pope" to be elected. Examine his work. Do not trust what he says about the future.
Daniel chapter 9 let's us know the anti-christ will be of the people who would destroy the second temple. Rome destroyed the temple and Jerusalem in 70AD. What does "Rome" really include?
A false prophet will arise to support the anti-christ. Students of prophecy speculate about who he will be and from where he will come. Some say he will come from Israel because of the phrase "out of the earth" in verse 11.
New teachings have been added about the book of Revelation but are they true? What about clothes being left behind at the rapture? Is the tribulation all about Israel? Will the 144,000 be evangelists like Billy Graham?
The Anti-Christ will die before the end of the tribulation. Some passages in Daniel are interpreted as history when they really refer to the time of the Anti-Christ. Daniel 11 ends with the death of the Anti-Christ before the return of Jesus Christ. Isaiah 14 mostly refers to the death of the Anti-Christ, not the fall of Satan. In Revelation 19, the Anti-Christ will actually be dead when cast in the lake of fire. We need to handle the written word of God accurately and especially let the people in the tribulation know what will really happen.
Online Bible Source: Blue Letter Bible
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